Oracle EM gridcontrol 관련 log file들. 
EM은 어려워~ 

Log / Trace files Generated during the OMS Startup

When any of the above methods are used for the OMS startup, the log/trace files will get generated in the following directories:

1.  <OMS_HOME>/opmn/log: These log files contain the entries for the execution and usage of the OPMN and OPMN-managed processes. The files are described below:

Log file name Description
ipm.log Tracks command execution and operation progress of the Process Monitor (PM) portion of the OPMN
ons.log Tracks the execution of the ONS portion of OPMN which is initialized before PM and hence is useful for early OPMN errors.
OC4J~home~default_island~1 Tracks the startup and shutdown of the OC4J home application server component.
HTTP_Server~1 Tracks the startup and shutdown of the HTTP_Server application server component.
OC4J~OC4J_EM~default_island~1 Tracks the startup and shutdown of the OC4J_EM (OMS) application server component.
OC4J~OC4J_EMPROV~default_island~1 Tracks the startup and shutdown of the OC4J_EMPROV application server component.
OC4J~OCMRepeater~default_island~1 Tracks the startup and shutdown of the OCMRepeater application server component.
WebCache~WebCache~1 Tracks the startup and shutdown of the WebCache  application server component.
WebCache~WebCacheAdmin~1 Tracks the startup and shutdown of the WebCacheAdmin application server component.
opmn.log Contains output generated by OPMN when the ipm.log and ons.log files are not available.
service.log (on Microsoft Windows only). The service.log displays any error messages generated by OPMN services while interacting with service control manager.

2.  <OMS_HOME>/sysman/log: contains the log / trace entries generated during the OMS startup. This will include the details for the repository connection issues. The files updated at startup time are:

Log / Trace file name Description
emctl.log Tracks log messages from the emctl utility.
emoms.log Log messages from the OMS application. By default, the maximum size is set to 20MB after which the file is rotated.
emoms.trc Trace messages from the OMS application. By default, the maximum size is set to 5MB with an index of 10, for file rotation.

For details about troubleshooting the OMS Process Control, refer to:

Note 730308.1: How to Troubleshoot Process Control (start, stop, check status) the 10g Oracle Management Service(OMS) Component in 10 Enterprise Manager Grid Control

How to Process Control (start, stop, check status) the 10g Oracle Management Service(OMS)? (Doc ID 298991.1)
Master Note for 10g Grid Control OMS Performance Issues (Doc ID 1161003.1)

Oracle EM grid control에서 특정 event가 발생하면 해당 내용을 Critical, Warning으로 구분해서 alert 발생시킵니다. 
이 alert 내용을 mail로 delivery 할수 있고 user PL/SQL을 이용해 다른 여러 응용도 가능합니다. 

다음의 SQL script는 EM에서 발생한 alert message와 alert의 상태, 그리고 이에 대한 delivery 수행이 잘 되었는지 확인하는 방법입니다. 

* Oracle 11g Release 1에 Oracle Grid conrol 환경에서 테스트 되었습니다. 

from sysman.mgmt_notification_log a, SYSMAN.MGMT$ALERT_NOTIF_LOG b
and to_char(TIMESTAMP,'MMDD') = '0311'
-- and target_name = 'LISTENER_PMGT_FLPEME01'
-- and DELIVERED ='Y'
order by TIMESTAMP

METRIC_NAME                              TIMESTAMP      DEL MESSAGE                                            ALERT_STAT DELIVERY_MESSAGE
--------------------------------------- -------------- --- -------------------------------------------------- ---------- --------------------------------------------------
TEST /problemTbsp /TS_TEST                03/11 02:07:51 Y   Tablespace [TS_TEST] is [97 percent ] full           Critical   Called PL/SQL procedure SYSMAN.LOGGING_ALERT
TEST /problemTbsp /TS_TEST                03/11 02:09:22 Y   Tablespace [TS_TEST] is [97 percent ] full           Critical   Called PL/SQL procedure SYSMAN.LOGGING_ALERT
TEST /problemTbsp /UNDOTBS1              03/11 02:57:45 Y   Tablespace [UNDOTBS1] is [97 percent ] full        Critical   Called PL/SQL procedure SYSMAN.LOGGING_ALERT
TEST /problemTbsp /UNDOTBS1              03/11 02:59:16 Y   Tablespace [UNDOTBS1] is [97 percent ] full        Critical   Called PL/SQL procedure SYSMAN.LOGGING_ALERT

아직 해보진 않았지만..

RE: How to modify a metric collection interval in Grid Control?

I think I found it.
It's not stored in the db at all it seems.
It uses xml files in the $AGENT_HOME/sysman/admin/default_collection.
I found the "database.xmlp" file which defined the 7 Day interval for
Tablespace Allocation.

Here's the entry in the file:

== Category: Tablespace Allocation
== DB Versions: pre-8 to 10gR1
== Fetchlet: SQL
<CollectionItem NAME="tbspAllocation">
<CategoryProp NAME="VersionCategory"
<IntervalSchedule INTERVAL="7" TIME_UNIT="Day"/>
<MetricColl NAME="tbspAllocation" />

ALTHOUGH, I updated this to "1" day, and reloaded the agent, Grid Control is
still showing "7" days under All Metrics for this target.
It appears I'm still missing something.

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