Oracle Database
active session의 event 정보를 보여주는 sql script <wait_buffer.sql>
2008. 11. 25. 12:49
active session들의 현재 wait event와 sql 정보를 buffer get 기준으로 보여주는 sql script 입니다.
세션 모니터링의 기본이죠..
set pagesize 250
col sid for 9999
col waiting_on for a90
col serial# for 999999
col prg for a19
col OraPid for 9999
col command for a9
col aa Heading "DB-User" for a8
col bb Heading "OS-Pid" for a7
set pau off
select to_char(sysdate,'MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') dat,s.sid SID,s.serial#,sql_hash_value,
'1','Cr Tab',
'9','Create Idx',
'10','Drop Idx',
'15','Alter Tbl',
'24','Create Proc',
'32','Create Link',
'33','Drop Link',
'36','Create RBS',
'37','Alter RBS',
'38','Drop RBS',
'40','Alter TBS',
'41','Drop TBS',
'42','Alter Sess',
'47','PL/SQL Exe',
'62','Anal Table',
'63','Anal Index',
'85','Truncate') Command,
substr(s.machine,1,8)||'['|| substr(s.program, 1, 9)||']' prg,
round(q.buffer_gets/q.executions,2) getperexec,
rtrim(w.event) || ': ' ||
rtrim(p1text,' ') || ' ' || to_char(p1) || ',' ||
rtrim(p2text,' ') || ' ' || to_char(p2) || ',' ||
rtrim(p3text,' ') || ' ' || to_char(p3),1,75) ||',waiting:'||wait_time as waiting_on
from v$session s, v$session_wait w,v$sqlarea q
where w.wait_time = 0
and w.sid = s.sid
and s.sql_hash_value = q.hash_value
and event not like '%pmon timer%'
and event not like '%smon timer%'
and event not like '%rdbms ipc message%'
and event not like '%SQL*Net message%'
and event not like '%lock manager wait for%'
and event not like '%slave wait%'
and event not like '%io done%'
and event not like '%pipe get%'
and event not like '%wakeup time manager%'
and event not like '%queue messages%'
order by getperexec
set pagesize 250
col sid for 9999
col waiting_on for a90
col serial# for 999999
col prg for a19
col OraPid for 9999
col command for a9
col aa Heading "DB-User" for a8
col bb Heading "OS-Pid" for a7
set pau off
select to_char(sysdate,'MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') dat,s.sid SID,s.serial#,sql_hash_value,
'1','Cr Tab',
'9','Create Idx',
'10','Drop Idx',
'15','Alter Tbl',
'24','Create Proc',
'32','Create Link',
'33','Drop Link',
'36','Create RBS',
'37','Alter RBS',
'38','Drop RBS',
'40','Alter TBS',
'41','Drop TBS',
'42','Alter Sess',
'47','PL/SQL Exe',
'62','Anal Table',
'63','Anal Index',
'85','Truncate') Command,
substr(s.machine,1,8)||'['|| substr(s.program, 1, 9)||']' prg,
round(q.buffer_gets/q.executions,2) getperexec,
rtrim(w.event) || ': ' ||
rtrim(p1text,' ') || ' ' || to_char(p1) || ',' ||
rtrim(p2text,' ') || ' ' || to_char(p2) || ',' ||
rtrim(p3text,' ') || ' ' || to_char(p3),1,75) ||',waiting:'||wait_time as waiting_on
from v$session s, v$session_wait w,v$sqlarea q
where w.wait_time = 0
and w.sid = s.sid
and s.sql_hash_value = q.hash_value
and event not like '%pmon timer%'
and event not like '%smon timer%'
and event not like '%rdbms ipc message%'
and event not like '%SQL*Net message%'
and event not like '%lock manager wait for%'
and event not like '%slave wait%'
and event not like '%io done%'
and event not like '%pipe get%'
and event not like '%wakeup time manager%'
and event not like '%queue messages%'
order by getperexec